Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Sippy Cup Shuffle

Dear God, these children are easy to please.  Sometimes anyway. You'd think Elmo himself had just appeared on our deck... Nope, they just got some new sippy cups.  WARNING: ABBA music accompanies this video. ABBA may cause severe neurological damage in certain individuals.  If you suspect you are allergic to ABBA, or the 70s in general, click your mute button before viewing.


  1. I think that pink one is drunk.

    They are seriously adorable!!!

  2. Oh my gosh, that's hilarious. That's also funny what Diana said, because whenever my twosome get overly punchy like this, I call their father and tell him, "your children are DRUNK!" Too funny. Until the end, right?

  3. very cute!

    when my daughter acts drunk I usually ask her if she's been licking the hand sanitizer again

  4. love the sippy cup shuffle. i think you have some contenders for America's Got Talent.
