Friday, August 14, 2009

Like Sands Through the Hour Glass...

So are The Days of Our Lives. My point? Okay, so the very hilarious Wendi Aarons kindly asked me to do a guest post over on her site. I had the pleasure of meeting Wendi and besides her wit she actually looks like a prettier version of Sami from The Days of Our Lives. Except I'm fairly certain Wendi hasn't had four marriages annulled (have they not heard of divorce in Salem?) or stole her sister's husband at the alter or almost went to the electric chair for killing a fiance or fiddled with various DNA tests so nobody in Salem knows who the hell is related to who. But, hey, those would be fun rumors to start about her!

While over at Wendi's site, please read her letter concerning Always maxipads, would you? It was published by (those f#$@ers still owe me a reply on something I submitted) and I literally cried at one point. (At Wendi's letter, not the fact McSweeneys hasn't replied to me. Although eventually I might. Cry that is. KEEP UP PEOPLE.)

Why the Dora pic to accompany this post? That's what my guest post is about. Seriously people, explaining myself relentlessly is getting tiresome.


  1. I am so happy to have found your blog through Wendi's site. I have a pretty mondane (ok I really meant to say brain numbingly boring) job and I love lunch time (cause there is food) because I spend my break reading both of your stuff. I love it!

  2. Thanks so much for the nice words AND for posting on my blog this week. And I know I told you I was on vacation, but I'm actually trying to break up my sister's wedding right now. Right after I tamper with a few DNA tests down at the lab and return from the dead. So busy!

  3. ok, I got here through wendi through mimi smartypants, and I just fell off the couch laughing. woo

  4. You are kicking ass all over the internet. I'm so glad others are discovering the brilliance that is Lulu and Moxley's mom!

  5. Thanks for sending me over to Wendi Aarons. That Always maxipad letter is AMAZING.
